Nieuwjaarsconcert 4-1-2025 Urker Visserkoor Cresendo o.l.v. Louwe Kramer en Sionskoor o.l.v. Peter Wildeman – Joost van Belzen - Wilhelm Groenendijk e.a.

4 January 2025

The Sionskoor is a national choir with a reformed foundation and likes to sing ‘the songs of Sions’ and is one of the largest choirs in the Netherlands with 250 members. Various guest musicians lend their support.

The very well-known and beloved Urker Visserkoor Crescendo is growing and flourishing like never before. As the largest male choir in Urk, it has a special place in Dutch choral music. Crescendo has a special characteristic appearance of power and inspiration.

Louwe Kramer and Zion’s Choir – Peter Wildeman – Joost van Belzen – Wilhelm Groenendijk

de Doelen

History of the Doelen

The history of concert hall de Doelen goes back to the seventeenth century, when an orchestra of city musicians gave public concerts in 'De Doele' on the Haagscheveer. As a replacement, the 'Groote Doelezaal' on the Coolsingel was opened in 1844.

In 1934, a new Doelenzaal was put into use, but it was destroyed in the bombing of Rotterdam in May 1940. It was not until 26 years later, in 1966, that the current Doelen was opened. The building is a municipal ...

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Specifieke tijden

  • 4 January 2025, starting at 19:00
Maandag & dinsdag: bekijk het actuele programma

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