Het Kroonjuweel

27 April 2022

Dance festival

Do you get tired of the crowds around King’s Day every year? Mini festival Het Kroonjuweel literally offers you a way out. During this festival no one will bump into you with a roar shirt or plastic crown. Enjoy the DJs playing different sets and the relaxed atmosphere.



A Unique Escape in the Heart of the City

Keilecafé, located in the old harbor area of M4H, is a true city paradise. This location offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is known as a permanent festival, just outside the center of Rotterdam. Here you can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, surrounded by creativity and liveliness. There are several events here in the summer. When the sun sets, Keilecafé transforms into a lively dance spot with unparalleled D...

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