Weekend van de Romantische Muziek

24 August 2024

Cultureel festival, Music festival

The Weekend of Romantic Music is taking place again, with the well-known Day of Romantic Music with 7 where, in addition to romantic music, a lot of attention is paid to good food and drinks, romantic literature and painting.


The Park (near the Euromast)


The Park at the Euromast was designed around 1850 by the famous Haarlem landscape architects father and son Zochers. These men could paint with nature, they designed the water features, the overhanging willows and the picturesque views to sun-drenched fields.

Nature and facilities

The park is full of trees that are more than a hundred years old. There are also several stretches of water, making the park buzzing with small creatures and insects. Ther...

Specifieke tijden

  • 24 August 2024, 13:00-20:00